Bombardier offers 3 support options for FDM/FOQA and FDR readout programs

Effectivity: Global and Challenger aircraft

ATA: 31-30

By: Andrew Ortaaslan – Product Planning & PMO – Aftermarket Products 

Many business aviation flight departments are now using flight data monitoring (FDM) and flight operations quality assurance (FOQA) programs. In some cases, these are implemented to comply with regulations. Other organizations are embracing these programs voluntarily to boost the quality and safety of their flight operations.

A separate regulatory requirement that involves access to aircraft data is the serviceability inspection of the flight data recorder (FDR). In addition, some authorities require an integrity test for FDR-related sensors, using data supplied directly from the FDR.

All the above require access to FDR, quick access recorder (QAR), or aircraft health monitoring system (AHMS) recorded flight data.

A thorough flight data analysis requires access to unique flight recorder configuration standard (FRCS) reports from Bombardier, which provide integration reference tables for different parameters. These parameters are unique to each individual aircraft, since not all tail numbers have the same avionics loads, service bulletins, and other updates affecting the unique configuration of their FDR, QAR and AHMS. Consequently, Bombardier’s FRCS reports vary not only between aircraft models, but also between aircraft serial numbers within the same model family.

It is therefore very important to use the most current FRCS report for these monitoring programs.

To ensure a smooth enrollment, Bombardier recommends using preferred or third-party licensed providers of these programs to reduce overall cost. However, Bombardier still provides three options to make FDM/FOQA and FDR readout programs a success.

Here is a summary of those options:

For more information, please visit the Bombardier Customer Portal.


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